As you read about faith in the Bible you will see that God promises that everyone has a measure of faith. This goes back to the idea of faith that grows. As a baby Christian we have that “saving” faith that God gave us His Son to satisfy our sin debt.

The only way that your “measure of faith” can grow is for us to learn more about our God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The way that we do this is by reading God’s Word, the Holy Bible. Reading about what God said He would do and then reading about the fulfillment of those prophesies will increase faith.

The Holy Spirit inside of you will continually bear witness that what you are reading is truth – God’s truth, thereby also increasing your faith. Just as a baby begins by drinking milk, we must begin our walk with the Lord with the milk of the Word (the simpler things). As that baby grows, he begins to eat more solid foods, just as when our faith grows, we are able to handle the meat of the Word (the more complex things). The only way our measure of faith can increase is by spending time meditating upon the Word of God. 

"For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3 KJV)

God Will Increase Your Faith by Bringing You Face-to-Face with Your Fears. God Will Increase Your Faith by Teaching You the Truth and Opening Your Eyes to the Evidence of His Love for You. God Will Increase Your Faith by Not Giving You Something You Want and Then Giving You Something Even Better. God Will Increase Your Faith By Allowing You to Personally Experience His Presence When You Seek Him with All Your Heart