The comfort and beauty of heaven cannot be described by mere words because it is more majestic than we can imagine (1 Cor. 2:9 KJV).All true believers of all time make up the Bride. That is, those people who believe in God, and were in turn forgiven and spiritually saved by God the Father. These people believed in the God of Holy Scripture. They became his child by faith in His Son (John 8:24 KJV) and they loved his Word (John 8:47 KJV). They lived their lives according to His standards, serving Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:29-31 KJV). Many of them lived before the time that Christ walked the earth. They looked forward to the promise of a heavenly home with Christ, their ultimate Savior (Hebrews 11:13-16 KJV)

Now, after being in Paradise with Him since their death, they get to meet him as his Bride at the wedding. Many members of the Bride lived while Christ walked the earth. They got to know him personally and hear his messages and see his miracles. They've since died while waiting on his return, lived with Him in Paradise, but now get to meet him again at the marriage ceremony. There were also those who lived since Christ's death, knowing him personally through the Spirit, but who later died. They had Christ's Spirit within them and were a part of the Bride. Their bodies perished while on earth, and they also went to Paradise for a time to live with Him. But they now officially join Christ at the wedding as his Bride. 

Finally, there will be, and possibly are now, many people who know Christ personally by his Spirit who will still be alive on earth when the Groom returns. For this group of people, they'll be snatched-away (i.e. raptured) in the twinkling of an eye, joining the Bride in the sky (Matthew 24:31,40 KJV; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 KJV). True believers today could possibly find themselves as part of this group. So, as we look ahead to the Wedding of the Lamb, during the opening of the wedding, ALL true believers will be brought together, as one Body, so that they can unite to Christ and his Father. We has the church (the bride of Christ Jesus) must be prepared at all times. We are too live a holy and consecrated life unto the Lord.