Prayer of Praise
Abba, Father, I love You with all my heart! I will sing to glorify Your righteous name! My lips will praise You until I can sign no more! Through Your loving act of creation, you have given me all that I need. By Your care, not one of my worries goes unnoticed. With gentleness, you lead me into beautiful green meadows. Every word of prayer, every amen, is heard by You and answered according to Your sovereign decree. I will praise You all my days, my Father. To You be the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of Thanks for My Answered Prayer
Lord of heaven’s armies, you are awesome and mighty! I cannot express how good You have been to me. I give thanks to You, and I praise Your holy name. You have heard my prayer and answered me. In every word and deed, I live for You because You are my faithful God. I know that in all situations, you are good. Keep me close to You so that I may grow in my trust of You. I hold onto the joy of being transformed to be like Your glorious body and being with You forevermore. Amen.

Prayer of Thanks for God’s Blessings
O God, my Promise-Keeper, you are the Alpha and the Omega. You were. You are. You are to come. I give thanks to You, my God. Although I am tempted to complain, I simply look around and see a multitude of blessings that You have lavished upon me. As You Word states, “You give life and breath and everything.” Instill in me a grateful heart and show me more and more Your love in my life. I brought nothing into this life, God. Make me content with what You have given me. You are enough for me. Because of Your wonderful salvation gifted to me, I praise You forevermore. Amen.

Prayer of Thanks for My Salvation
God of my Salvation, I am overwhelmed by Your love. It spills out of my heart into all the space around me and beyond. When I think of my sin and then consider how You reached down and saved me, I am overcome with a gratitude that is unable to be explained by words. You have, with incredible mercy, sent Jesus to take my sins and bear my shame on the cross for me. When I prayed for You to save me, you did. Because of Your love, I have such blessed assurance that I am Yours and You are mine. In the most precious, wonderful name of Jesus, I pray to You, O my Father. Amen.