Creator God, Name above all names, You gave life and breath and everything to me. Not one breath that fills my lungs and not one day that I open my eyes is something that I have earned for myself. Every moment of my life is a wonderful gift from Your generous hand. I will sing songs of thankfulness for this life that I have! Hallelujah, I will sing about Your love for me even when the tempest roars! I will sing with everything I have, mighty God, even when darkness is around me! For You are my God and hear my cry! To You, Jesus Christ, who are all things. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude for the Blessing of My Family
God of enduring faithfulness, I see Your blessings all around me. You know how I prayed for a family of my own. Now You have provided and my cup overflows! You bestow favor and honor and victory! My family has enriched my life in so many ways, and I give thanksgiving to Your holy and all-powerful name. As for me and my house, God, we will serve You, forever and ever. You are such a good Father. Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude
Jesus Christ, my living Savior, You are my loving Father who always delights in giving good gifts to His children. You have delighted much in the gifts You have given me. I have food to eat and a place to sleep, and this is enough. And yet, in Your grace, You have chosen to bless me still more. I am so grateful to You. You answer prayer and bless me continually. Because of Your love, I know that in every situation, I can rest in Your sovereign grace. In the name of the one who gave us his most precious blood for the remission of my sins, Jesus, my Savior. Amen