Spiritual cleansing

A spiritual attack is an unfortunate circumstance that is coordinated by Satan and his demons in to order to cause havoc, delay, and confusion in someone’s life. Different ways demons can attack is through financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally. These spiritual attacks can dramatically alter a person's destiny from a life of wealth to poverty. From fame to shame and if not dealt with immediately the end result is that person having an untimely death or taking their own life. One needs to take advantage of the help that is available through the vessels of God. Often when a price is put to anything spiritual there is a 'Who ha! Doubtful Thomas 'moment. They are reluctant and they rather spend thousands of rands on name brand clothes, alcohol anything else but for cleansing themselves from curses that have been activated with a time frame for absolute destruction. The later realize they doubted the help at hand. 

Spiritual cleansing is a minimum of three hours process and maximum five hours, depending on the strength of the curse on you. During this spiritual cleansing, you are cleansed, delivered and set free completely from all curses in the name of Jesus. After this spiritual cleansing your heavenly portals over your life will be opened allowing the blessings of God to enter and overtake you for the Glory of God, the Father alone in the name of Jesus. Many bare testimony to this victory and life of testimony.

Spiritual cleansing is done personally by Prophetess Ria.