Biblical scripture is always what confirms our actions as a ministry that is completely rooted in Christ Jesus. We believe and know God used mediums for release of "His miraculous power" in the bible to express Himself and He continues to do so in this age and time so that He God the Father is glorified alone through '"Thy Kingdom Come Ministries Annointing Fire Water" In Jesus name.

In Acts 19:11-12 KJV, God used the medium of Paul’s handkerchief and aprons to heal the sick.- In Exodus 14:16 KJV, God used the medium of Moses’ staff to split the Red Sea.- In Acts 3:6 KJV, God used the voice of His servants, Peter and John to raise a crippled man.- In 2 Kings 5:14 KJV, God used the medium of a dirty river to heal Namaan.

In Acts 5:15-16 KJV, God used the medium of Peter’s shadow to heal the sick.- In John 9:6-7 KJV, Jesus used mud and saliva to heal a blind man. Many are experiencing their miracles, healing, deliverance and breakthroughs through the Ministry Fire water. You can too.

Contact the ministry for all enquiries in regards to sales and services.

Email: thykingdomchurch@gmail.com 

Re: Purchases of the “Anointing Fire Water.”

 It is sold in packs of Six (6) and more. Bulk purchases are welcomed.