Youth need to be reminded that they are special to God and that they are set apart for a special purpose. They are chosen by Him. He has chosen them to do His work here on earth. Through Jesus Christ, youth also are given an intentional purpose to fulfill God’s will for His kingdom
“That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.”
1 Thessalonians 2: 12.KJV
Our call as followers of Christ is to be set apart because Jesus was set apart. Jesus was distinct, separate and out of the ordinary. Therefore, being set apart is not optional. Thy Kingdom Come Ministries has a church provides guidance and knowledge to its youth.
We believe and understand that the church can be a great way for many young people to find some meaning in their lives. As a Church we look forward to offering educational programmes for young people to teach them how to be good, faithful people in the future. We look forward to offering biblically based programmes for young people so that can allow God to mould them and shape them into adults that please God and are anchored in the gospel of Jesus Christ.