Matthew 12:50 KJV - For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. Thy Kingdom Come Ministries Men’s Group is a vital men’s group dedicated to instructing young men on how they can become effective leaders of the body of Christ in today’s world. The purpose of the men’s ministry is to make disciples of the men. The goal of this ministry is to build healthy relationships in the body of Christ, promote spiritual growth, unity and love. 

Thy Kingdom Come Ministries Men’s Group equips a man with the tools and training he needs to know God, to know himself, (his true identity), and untangle the lies of the enemy. Our Men’s Group values are Christ-centered, prayer-focused, word-impacted and encourages continuous relationship-building and ministry-engaging. The men’s group seeks to clarify and strengthen the purpose and role of men in their local churches, homes and in the community.