To the one seated on the throne and the lamb next to Him, All Love, All Power, All Glory belongs to you forever and ever amen. (x 72). Blessed be the glorious YHVH (Yod Heh Vav Heh) from His Kingdom forever and ever amen. (X 72).Good morning Holy Spirit. I love you Abba Father and I Thank you for your precious son, Jesus Christ who shed His blood to set me free. I will exalt your glory today and All the Days of my life. Holy Great one I bless you the Lord of Glory I set out your Glory the eternal king. Majestic are Your Names. Holy is Your Glory, exalted is your Remembrance in Your Heavens & the Earth has surrendered to Your Greatness. I surrender into Your Greatness. Majestic are You oh God. 

Blessed are Your Names & Exalted is Your Glory for You are Omnipotent, and You are Worthy of Worship. Glory be unto you oh Glorious one who is Praised. Glory be unto You oh ever substance one who is Honored. Glory be unto You oh Resurrected, Glory be unto You oh Inheritor, Glory be unto You oh Omnipotent omniscient omnipresent One. Glory be unto you oh Knower of the Secrets. Glory be unto you who will resurrect all who are on the earth & the Heavens. Glory be unto You oh sub judicator of Creatures. Glory be unto you whom harm does not befall. Glory be unto you oh Pre-ordinator of Substance. Glory be unto oh Creator of Time. You are Exalted in the Heavens & Your Status is Elevated; you are Highly Exalted above what the oppressor says. Goodness Lord, you created by Your Word. You are My God. You are My Father.

You are my King, Strong & Wise. Good & Compassionate. You tolerate all things, filling all the highest & the lowest sustaining in the high places bringing forth the mysteries of the universe, the Knowledge of Good and evil. You tolerate wickedness for the sake of Restoration. You hope to all those that love you Goodness is their portion. Holy Great one. I Bless you, the Lord of Glory. I send out your Glory, the Eternal King. I desire & ask for your Pure Light of Life. Your Pure water of Life to enter into my bones & fragrance them. Oh, my Lord of Spirit cause Your Light to Shine on & in & through me your Holy righteous & elect.

Blessed is He & may He be blessed from the beginning & forever more & in his presence there is no end. I Praise & Exalt the Lord of Spirits. Blessed is He & may He be Blessed from the beginning & forever more & in His Presence there is no end. Blessed is He and may He be Blessed from the beginning & forever more & in his Presence there is no end. I praise & exalt the Lord of Spirit;& forever more & in His Presence there is no end.