Prayer of Thanks for God’s Goodness
Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them, You are so so good and Your love endures forever. Without Your love in my life, I am empty and meaningless. Your peace rules in my heart, and I am thankful that when I call to You, You answer. I have now seen this demonstrated in my life in the way You manifested Your goodness by answering this prayer of mine. You have given me victory, through my Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the one who demonstrates Your incredible love, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude to God for Providing
God our Great Provider, You continually show how good You are to me. You say that You will supply all my needs, and in this time when I needed You, You have been providing for me. You are my Jehovah Jireh, my God who provides. You are the God who raises the poor from the dust, and the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with nobles. Thank You for the way You answered my prayer in this way to provide exactly what I have needed at this time. Help me to keep trusting in You for my daily bread. In Jesus’ compassionate name. Amen.

Prayer of Joyful Thanksgiving
Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, You are my gracious and loving Father. With a joyful shout, I lift my hands to You, and my arms are open wide. My soul glorifies You, my Good Father. In Your mercy and perfect grace, You answered my prayer and set me free. I proclaim that I am Yours. I am here, my God. I am Your servant forevermore and rejoice at my citizenship in heaven next to You. I pray all this to You for You make my heart glad. Amen.